Season 1 out now

The Hot Baddies Club podcast

Revisit an old favorite or discover your next dark crush with The Hot Baddies Club. Besties Liz and Miko are ready to read, play, and watch their way through books, anime, comics, games, movies, and tv shows for all the Hot Baddies they can get their claws on in their quest to rate them all. Get into the deep cuts you crave each episode.

The Hot Baddies Club will be a seasonal read/watch/play along and discussion podcast, releasing a new episode weekly.

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The Hot Baddies Club sounds… uhh… NSFW?

It’s just a podcast where we talk about characters we like from stuff. We are trash for the dark, emo, sad, and varying levels of evil characters in all forms of media. Current best guess is the podcast is probably PG-13 for suggestive language, acknowledging that sex exists, and saying bad words. We will be covering some romance books without getting into the nitty gritty details. When your parent, guardian, or significant other looks over your shoulder and says, “What the hell are you looking at!?” maybe scroll here and let them read this.

When can I listen!!!

Season 1 is dropping Nov 7, 2022 and should be available everywhere podcasts are found!

What do you mean “Season One”?

Neither one of us can currently manage another weekly, indefinite obligation so we’re working on completing an entire season of the podcast now. We’re planning on releasing those episodes weekly until they’ve all been released. Then we’ll see how it goes and hopefully start the next season, cause we got hot baddies lined up for days.

Who are the Hot Baddies?

Well, we wanna keep that a secret for a special Season One reveal, but there are some hints in the trailer if you listen closely… For those characters IYKYK.

Follow The Hot Baddies Club on social media and sign up for the email newsletter to make sure you don’t miss the official reveal!

What’s a “read/watch/play along and discussion” podcast? What’s the format?

This is the best way we could figure out how to describe our format. Each episode will be broken up into two parts. Part One will be spoiler-free. We’ll go over who the character is, why you want to crush on them, and how to read/watch/play along with us to get ready for Part Two. Think of it like your friend giving you a recommendation. In Part Two will be spoiler-full. Assuming you have read/watched/played the thing, we’ll be generally nerding out about it with first impressions, reactions, conspiracies, games to listen along with, a rating, and more…